
Brenda Pulvermacher has been involved in the healing arts for over thirty years. A native of Saskatchewan, her commitment to craniosacral therapy emerged after exploring a number of therapies in the health care field while living on Quadra Island. She trained as an Emergency Medical Assistant, a peer counselor, a Healing Touch, Chi Nei Tsang and a medical Chi Gong practitioner. In addition she trained as a shiatsu therapist and worked for many years as a Registered Shiatsu Therapist with the province of British Columbia.

She completed the rigorous Upledger Institute process as a Certified CranioSacral Therapist (CST) and has participated in and assisted advanced courses specializing in pediatric and infant CST. She was a Certified Teaching Assistant with the Institute internationally and has personally assisted Dr. Upledger. In addition, she was a teaching assistant in the Visceral Manipulation curriculum. Brenda Pulvermacher is member of the International Association of Health Care Practitioners


She has foundation and advanced training in trauma resolution with Self Regulating Therapy.

She completed the ten module foundation training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with Michael Shea PhD and has the additional designation of Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist with the Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America.

Brenda Pulvermacher is the former instructor of the Langara College CST program in Vancouver, BC and served as the clinical supervisor for many years.

She has completed the three year professional/experiential Pre and Perinatal Psychology training with Myrna Martin MN, RCC, RCST.

To balance body, mind and spirit she meditates, exercises, laughs and eats lots of veggies. She has been married to the same man for forty years (!) and has three grown daughters. On a fine day you will find her in the garden.