Study revealing the prolongation of the second stage of labor thanks to epidurals

A 60% rise in C-sections since 1996 is prompting the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to fidget self-consciously in their white coats. A study revealing the prolongation of the second stage of labor thanks to epidurals has been influential in identifying the iatrogenesis – doctor-caused harm – at the root of the cesarean problem.

Epidurals have become common place but they are also responsible for the increasing use of forceps, suction and c-sections. With epirdurals the birthing Mom loses her connection with the spontaneous ejection reflex of the birth process. She just can’t feel it. Further more the self attachment sequence may be interrupted as the infant is often less  able to connect with their legs and complete the breast crawl.


Have you ever wondered if your birth affects how you perceive the world?

We are in the middle of the fourth module of our Pre and Perinatal Professional Training with Myrna Martin and about 40 other like minded people interested in how our pre and perinatal experience shapes who we are as children and adults. Learning about my own birth imprints, repatterning them and bringing new awareness and skills to my work and life. 

This module is about chemical and surgical imprints, so c-sections, epidurals, pitocin etc. It reminds me of how well our body is designed to give birth and how every intervention has a consequence.

Trust your body!