Craniosacral Therapy emphasizes listening for the health of the system and encouraging its expression.
Early in the 20th century, Dr. Sutherland, an American Osteopath, noticed that the bones of the head resemble the gills of a fish and surmised that they were designed to accommodate a kind of respiration for the nervous system. This discovery led him to explore a complex physiological system which includes the bones of the face and skull, the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, cerebral spinal fluid and the fascia and connective tissue, the craniosacral system. He found that all tissues respond to a previously unidentified tide-like, polyrhythmic movement.
“I felt like I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown with stress from deadlines, essays, exams and decisions about my futrue. Brenda helped me calm down and rebalance. Thanks Brenda!”
Sutherland and his colleagues experimented with palpating and interacting with this movement, and found remarkable benefits for their clients. Subsequent osteopaths particularly Rollin Becker, DO, expanded the applications, and in the early 1970’s John Upledger, DO, introduced the concepts outside the osteopathic world. Some current well known teachers who are working with the fluid forces and refining the biodynamic model include Franklyn Sills, DO, Michael Kern, DO, and Michael Shea PhD.
A skilled biodynamic craniosacral practitioner “listens” to the subtle tide-like movement of the system as the body tells its story. The body speaks through its rhythms, micro-movements and particularly through its patterns of stress and restriction. Quietly listening, the practitioner encourages revitalization of the inherent healing potential of the system, and facilitates the release of resistance patterns.
“No other treatment compares to Brenda’s touch. Ski racing rattles the body. Two jaw surgeries and a reconstruction of the tongue are among the many injuries I have taken to my head. I walk out of Brenda’s treatments reconnected and realigned with my mind and body.”
“The pain in my sacrum is gone! I can’t believe how well and deeply I’ve been sleeping!”